Business Cases & Gateway

The first step toward a successful project is to have full and clear understanding of why the project is being undertaken.  This clear and commonality of understanding will be achieved through a Business Case.

Business cases can range from comprehensive and highly structured, as required by formal project management methodologies, to informal and brief – but regardless, they are essential.  They facilitate the achievement of management commitment and approval for investment in business change including programmes and projects.   A business case provides a framework for the planning and management of organisational change. The ongoing viability of the programme or project is monitored against the business case.

The Galent team offers proven expertise and experience in the successful development of business cases in both the public (including for New Policy Proposals, Infrastructure Projects and ICT Projects) and private sectors.  We offer a reputation for working collaboratively with organisations and their business advisers to consider all aspects in the business case – providing both critical analysis with clear and compelling (but objective) documentation which enables decision makers to make fully informed decisions.

If you want to know more about our skills, capability and experience, including examples of our clients, please contact us for more information.

Gateway Reviews & Preparation

Governments throughout Australia have designed and implemented assurance reviews designed to strengthen governance and assurance practices and play an important role in assisting entities to successfully deliver major programs and projects.

The Galent Team offers qualified and experienced Gateway Reviewers who can provide assistance in the preparation for Gateway Reviews and similar project assurance processes.  Galent personnel offer expertise and experience both as members of Gateway Review Teams as well as supporting organisations as they prepare for Gateway Reviews and the implementation of findings arising from Gateway Reviews.

We can conduct Gateway Review Readiness Assessments, apply the Gateway structure and methodology to provide assurance of the project’s level of preparedness for the review and identification of potential issues for addressing from Gate 0 through to Gate 5.

If you want to know more about our full range of skills, capability and experience, including examples of our clients, please contact us for more information.